Real Woman
The Real Woman is rooted in Earth, in existence
Unafraid of mess and willing to dirty her hands
She digs in the mud, soil flying over her shoulders
Searching for the hidden treasure she lost and left
She will do whatever it takes to unite with every forgotten part of herself
Clarity and chaos are but different sides of the same coin
As her pristine strands of hair blow and tangle in the unforgiving wind, she chuckles
For there’s not one movement in nature that can shake the clarity of her Heart
She’s the Death and the dying, the Life and the living
She’s every land slide, flood and cyclone
The unrelenting earth quake in your heart
And the tsunami of your tears
She’s Life knocking down your door when you’re in hiding
And no matter how you try, you can’t resist her Siren call
Her fierce embrace is the strength of her love
And every door that she opens gives birth to her immensity in you
While every door that she slams is her command
To let die what must die for her to live through you
And if you surrender, if you give way to her burning blinding light
She will show you the core of that light, which is black as night
But do not turn away, do not run into the light
For her darkness is bright and will burst all your corners
And blast through your fight
Now put down your armour, for this is a battle you cannot win
And do what you came here to do, your work is waiting for you
Smash the mirror and wash that crap off your face, for your vanity is a disgrace
Your attention is precious and not to be squandered and spent
Your Soul demands your focus and your focus demands your strength
There’s nothing to protect, it’s a fallacy
It’s a lie, and yes you can rage and cry because you’ve been living that lie
Anything less than your untamed spirit is not meant to survive
The woman that thrives today is false, like a porcelain doll
Glassy eyed, she smashes with ease
Let her fall off the mantelpiece
The sleeping beauty that knows not that she sleeps
Let your clay mask drop on the floor
Put your hands in the mud and see what lies raw
That which you buried and forgot
The key they told you not to use
The one you told yourself to lose
You thought you could control her
But every imposition made holes where there were none
Now she is bleeding, heavy under your hand
But it’s your heart that’s weeping
Open your hands and dance the wild dance that ladies dare not dance
Prostrate to the sun and moon and wail for every wasted minute
Look your carelessness in the face
Be the balmy eyes that heal and seal old wounds
Do not shy away from your dis-grace
Grow your nails and pick out every splinter and stub
Open your eyes and cry till the tears run clear
She cares not for shallow ideals
Imploding limitation is the name of her game
Eroding false concepts and dissolving pain
And her radiance shines through the lines and creases of her wisdom
Weather beaten but never down trodden, her vital force prevails
Sun shining and moon beaming, her smile lights up the forgotten places in your Soul
To bring back into wholeness, that which you cast into a hole
Now everything is returned to nature, to its natural state
Where beauty meets with ugliness and destiny with fate
True woman, Real woman, Clear woman