Ode to Ma

Ode to Ma


Again and again I break and I break


Like butter

I melt

in your heat

And I dive

deep into your ravines

caring not for the mud that flies in my eyes

Diving diving deep into you, Ma

Penetrating your depths

Unpeel me

I laugh heart’s laughter

She quakes me in my boots, Ma

Ha! Your heart’s chuckle moves mountains in my deep

Rhythms abound in your chest

Pounding my door


She bangs

I plead

Open, open, open!


Tears falling down your streams

Rolling down my cheeks

Falling off your











Don’t move


Hear her silent boom

Through you she moves

Like silence roars


Dropping into you I drop

I hear you, Ma

I feel you in my depths

Pulsating like honey


Like wine


Running through the streets

For you

Shouting your name

I die

I die

For you

I die

And just when

It seems like

No more bones can break

You snap me

Like a porcelain doll

Upon the mantle piece of my soul

Smashing into smithereens

My eyes close and








Praise be your name, Ma

You know just how to


My game

God’s Game

Your divine mischief is the unknowable mystery of my Heart

I bow a thousand bows to your

Shining sun

Winking star

Beaming moon



Unfurl me like petals blown in the wind

Unclose me like Pandora’s box

Unfold my folds like flowers opening

To prying tongues

Eat me whole and inside out

I melt

Into nectar for you

I’m pollen for your toes

Eyelids close

Darkness brings shadows and spiders and ghosts

All your making my love

All this

I embrace

All this

You are

I am

Never turning from that twinkle in your eye that glints in every stream and winks in every cloud

Feed me the raindrops of your eyes and shower me in hail stone kisses

I lie in your reeds, writhing on your naked earth, my dear

Fingers splayed and lips curled

You undo me

Did you hear my scream, running feet, haunting your name with my speech?

I see you


I look

I see you

I see you

I Be You

Black Footprints in the Sand

Black Footprints in the Sand


A black grain of sand appears in the shimmering golden desert of my Self

Silent winds blow serenely, lifting veil-like sheets of sand across the surface of the golden dunes

All is at rest beneath the blazing fire, pulsating in the sky above

Except one sooty grain of sand


She winks rapidly, untouched by the flames that lick her cheeks

She is the unclaimed particle from which all ignorance arises

She wanders this desert in search of water to quench her parched and cracking lips

And for every grain of sand she touches on her way, she leaves black footprints in the sand


I send out search parties through the landscape of my Being to locate this lonely one

She has been extricated and discarded, exiled and forgotten, and now paints the desert black with the tears of her pain

But I will find you, and when I do I will not exile or forget, extricate or discard

I will take you in my arms and kiss light into the black folds of the cloak that masks your blinding light


Every wind in my Being now blows towards you and the world can wait until I find your trail and trace you back into mySelf

As I meet you from every angle and embrace you through every crack, your eyes, heavy with forgetfulness, will open and ignite

In the fiery heat of my gaze, not one particle of blackness will escape these flames

You will return to me my love, and when you do I will shine on you until only gold remains


And on cloudy days, when my Heart is weary

If one should wander where others dare not tread

They will see the shadows of your footprints and the traces of your tears

As they burnt the ground with your longing

For my eternal embrace



Divine Duality

Divine Duality

I stand at the threshold of a new relationship with the world, where clear-seeing is not divorced from fantasy. As the lamp in the cavern of my heart begins to glow, and vast new landscapes unfurl before my eyes, I feel a warmth, an un-ending opening, in which reality and story merge.

This is divine duality.

Real and unreal, form and formless, are no longer concepts – polarities arising within The Real – they are The Real itSelf.

Because She cannot be denied – this life-blood of existence – the creator, the destroyer, the great web weaver. She beats on silent drums in the sky, and exhales cool breezes that turn the pages of our stories.

I see now clearly that no thought is real, and yet not one need be shot down. Like butterflies through my Being they build great castles through the mountain of my mind, castles made of clay that can be moulded and fashioned, castles made of sand that can be blown down or left to topple …

The cosmos breathes. It plays.

Its relative reality can be realised, embodied. It functions as both stepping stone and bridge and yet destination in and of itself. Tantra knows this. It expounds this. Every awakened Heart sings this song. No stone, no leaf, no ladybird can be excluded from this. Indeed, shamanic, pagan, and occult paths lead through this forest of Living Knowledge.

It is wild, an untamed assault on the senses that threatens clarity every step of the way, for where identity and desire co-exist there is the potential to fall prey to her many traps and tricks. She wants you for herself, she wants you absorbed without reason, she tantalises your senses from all directions. Oh to surrender to her is to win the great battle – but resist or believe her and you’ll drown in confusion.

The web may be sticky, and your fight will entangle you more, but to fall straight through this make-believe dance – to confirm its ephemeral reality through your dropping – is where true enjoyment meets illusion. Transcendence is a road that leads straight to clear-seeing – for She is not real – but why not meet with her depths, for her beauty is that which makes death harder and sweeter.


To love her with abandon, to throw stars into the sky for her, to paint life stories on her temple walls; but to see with a glint in your eye, that both artist and painting are transient, and that death is what animates all.


To be a connoisseur of the senses without becoming their slave. To enjoy pleasure while bending it with your gaze – the gaze that penetrates it to its empty core, unfolding it like a blooming flower, and then watching it wilt and die – its pollen scattered, with no trace left, except a warm aftertaste of joy, and the deep recognition that there is peace in the emptiness, peace in death.

To give oneself completely to the fullness, to realise its every nuance, detail and thread. To journey endlessly into its folds and creases, to know that there is resolve in this, that no stone can be left unturned, and yet to give oneself over to the wearing away of every weave, and to know that in this living there is an unpicking that dissolves everything that is touched.

Her transience is eternal. Endlessly she crashes against the shore of Truth before disappearing back into the ocean of Awareness. She is the undefinable wave. The wave that may be caught only fleetingly. And yet, in her illusive nature, lie secrets waiting to be discovered and mysteries that cannot be explained.

Her solidity can be known. It can be dug and tunnelled and shaped. It can be raked and sown and harvested. Don’t die before planting. Drop seeds of delight and watch them sprout. Grow with them, dance with them, then throw them to her flames. Don’t transcend without descending. Bring life into being. Bloom, laugh, cry. Chase every whim and dream, only to watch it falter and fall, deeply, into her bottomless pit.

She waits for your tongue. The tongue that will taste her, envelop her in its ecstasy and merge with her in bliss. Your potential is her purpose, your dissolve her destination. She coaxes you from all directions, and when you dare, in your spiritual arrogance, to think you can escape her, she pricks you hard and burns you harder.

Her grace is fierce. Her fire is fatal. You cannot escape her dance. You cannot run from her flames. But you can hide – into the dark recesses of your psyche you can take shade from her blinding light.

Or, in your allegiance with division, you can gaze silently at her, observing her, enjoying her. From the heights of clarity, you can engage her, even dance with her, but your dance will be half-hearted, your embrace will be the kind that leaves onlookers dissatisfied, wanting more. An insidious stiffness will run through your veins, your blood will flow but will never over-flow. Your breath will never reach its destination, always falling short, filling but never fulfilling.