I’ve found a deep resting place inside.
From here, I can hold presence in the face of fear and peace in the face of pain.
From here, I remain untouched.
Does this mean I’m free of patterning?
Does it mean I no longer fear? 
Absolutely not.
It means I’m free of the story.
It means I’m no longer bound.
In my heart, I know nothing can go wrong.
In truth, I know nothing is wrong!
This inner freedom is infectious.
The more I taste it, the more I embrace it, and the more I embrace it the more it grows.


What this has taken (and continues to take)
is my TOTAL commitment
and COMPLETE responsibility.
Indeed, this response-ability is the thread that’s unravelling me home.
When you stand in this willingness to take responsibility,
there’s nothing you can’t resolve,
and there’s nothing you can’t dissolve.
It reveals a freedom that absorbs everything into itself,
until nothing
but Self
This freedom can’t be taken and it can’t be lost.
It’s always here,
just waiting,
for you to choose to remember
that which you forgot.